News: 2005

[ 30.12.2005 ] Forum

The Forum is now opened! The forum is mainly intended for Finnish speaking people only because there already are other good forums for discussion in English. However, there's also one area reserved for English if you want to discuss about Peugeot 505 here.

[ 09.10.2005 ]
New files

Downloads: Peugeot service bulletins

[ 25.09.2005 ]
New 505 articles

505 article: Adding by-pass valve (Turbo Injection)
505 article: Rear Disc Brake Caliper Repair

[ 17.09.2005 ]

Downloads: Brochure Peugeot 505 Turbo Injection 1984 (French, 20 pages)
Downloads: Brochure Peugeot 505 1986 #2 (Finnish, 28 pages)
Downloads: Magazine ad Peugeot 505 1985 (Finnish)
Articles: Peugeot 505: Magazine articles

[ 11.07.2005 ]
3rd 505 Turbo Injection

I bought my 3rd 1985 505 Turbo Injection. There are also some new pictures of my white Turbo that were taken just before I bought the car in November 2003.

[ 04.07.2005 ]
More pictures

I added some pictures and also updated pages of my own cars.

[ 01.07.2005 ]
Redesigned web site

The base and menu systems of this web site are now completely redesigned:

- site structure is based on an XML file
- submenus are displayed on demand
- support for multiple languages
- support for some "intelligent" features
- website is easier to manage
- updated SPGM gallery software to the newest version

[ 18.05.2005 ]
New manual

Peugeot 505 Diesel Special Instructions addition to owner's manual.

[ 09.04.2005 ]
New files

Added new files.